We had another busy week, actually I think all our weeks are busy. The weather was also very cold this week, but more on that later.
I have been working with Pablo to be off the leash in the front yard. He does good so long as we are playing with his toys and there are no squirrels in the area. Since the squirrels are busy collecting nuts for the winter, there have been a few incidents with Pablo chasing them. See the telephone pool across the street, Pablo cornered a squirrel there. He was not pleased that I came over and carried him home.
While Pablo and I play, Bug is usually riding his bike. He looks for neighbor friends to play with and most times there is someone to play with any evening we are out.

Wednesday night, Bug wanted to roast marshmallows. As good as the fire looks, it only stayed lit for a few minutes. I need fire making classes.
But Bug was happy he got a fire and marshmallows.
Thursday was the day of really variable weather. First it was cold, second day we had temperatures below or at freezing in the morning. It stayed in 40s most of the day, we had to pull out winter coats, gloves and I had to turn on the heat and put flannel sheets on the bed. My head was pounding all day, it was so bad (a very bad migraine) that I had to leave work early in order to nap in a dark room. I napped 20 minutes, picked Bug at the bus stop and went back to bed for another hour. At 5 pm, I looked out the back window and saw hail falling. We were supposed to get Mam and Pap, but we stayed home until it was just rain coming down.

By 5:40 pm, we had snow and rain mixed! No wonder my head hurt so much. After the weather calmed down and became just rain, my headache eased up, which was good since we had a school skating party to attend.
I should have stayed home, but no way could I send Mam and Pap to the skating rink with Bug and his school. Bug was so excited to go. Bug is still cautious on skating floor, but he did great. He was adamant that I was not to be on the skating floor, so I just stayed away from him.

Mam and Pap hung out and kept an eye on our stuff at the table.

Bug managed to stop skating long enough to have some pizza.

And after eating, I went skating. I had a fun time and Bug had a great time. By the time we got home, my headache was gone.
Which is surprising given the volume of the music/sound at the skating rink.

Saturday, we went to N's birthday party. His party was a bowling party, a glow in the dark bowling party. The colors are correct, this is what the glow light looks like when you take pictures without a flash.
With the flash, the pictures look like this. Bug was the oldest boy at the party and the only one not from N's class.
OH NO, I did not pick up the spare. Bug is such a drama king!

We had a busy week and this coming week looks to be just as busy, with Halloween on Thursday.
Love and hugs,