Saturday, November 22, 2014

more catching up. I think my New Year's resolution should be to ge tback to posting every 2-3 days regularily.

it has been a busy week or 2.  Bug's school has their semiannual roller skating party.  BB came along and found friends from the high school and friends from scouts.  He had a great time.

Bug had a great time (no matter what his facial expression shows) skating and talking with friends.  I had a great time talking to some of the mommas.

The next evening, BB left for boy scout camp.  It was soooo cold.  The boys camped in temperatures in the 20s and 30s degrees F.  TOO COLD for me.  Thankfully, BB had snow pants, and lots of things to keep him warm.  But he was happy to be home and have a warm bed to sleep in.

After dropping BB off, we headed over to school for Bug's pack meeting.  The boys were very excited because it was popcorn prize night.  They received the prizes for selling popcorn.

Mrs. M- our Popcorn leader

Bug receiving his prizes

Monday, the boys got an early autumn surprise.  A snow day!!!  4-5 inches of snow, temperatures in the 20s.  At lunch,  took the boys out to shovel the driveway.  This was BB's first shoveling experience.

Even Pablo got out and enjoyed the snow.

BB and Bug then learned a great lesson, snows days = pay days.  I sent them around the neighborhood to shovel neighbors' driveways for $5.00 a driveway.  The boys made $10.00.  next snow day, I am sending them further afield in the neighborhood. They were both excited to make some money.

Thursday night, we had some friends over while their parents attended some meetings.  it was a good night.

Today, we headed out for a concert.  Bug was in a grumpy mood and spent part of the concert being mad because I told him to behave. But it was a great concert and he ended up having a wonderful time.

BB really loved the concert and being down at music hall.

Our attempt at a family selfie.

We came home and put up the Christmas lights outside.  Then J and N came and joined us to see the train display.  this is the same display we see every year.   Bug is so tall compared to the train tracks now.  So hard to believe he was ever so small that he needed to stand on a chair to see the trains.

BB liked these trains. 

I finished up BB's quilt. 

I think he likes it.
This week is Thanksgiving, so there should be multiple posts this week due to all the fun.
Love and hugs,

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