The pictures might be out of order, but this is what happens when you have to make a post covering 3/4 of a month. I really need to get back on a schedule for posting. So here is our month of January.
We had a lovely weekend around the 17th, where the temperature got to 50 degrees F. Since we had been inside for 2 weeks due to the cold (belong freezing temperatures), I made the boys go to the park. We took a friend and Pablo too. BB took his volleyball and practiced hitting against the building, Mam and I walked Pablo and Bug and his friend played basketball. We stayed at the park for an hour and had a great time. It was very windy, but it was great be outdoors soaking up sunshine and breathing fresh air.
Monday, 19 Jan was a school holiday and I took a vacation day from work. We headed out with J and N for our annual tradition of snow tubing. The day was perfect, cold in the morning and then warming up to the mid 40s (F) by lunch time. We headed out early so the snow would be fast (the snow slows down the warmer it gets). We had the place almost to ourselves for first 1.5 hours, but the last 1.5 hours, it was packed. I am glad we went early, so we could get more tubing runs in before the crowds came. At the beginning, we averaged a run every 10 minutes, by the end, the average run was 30 minutes due to the number of people.
Bug, getting ready to head down the hill
One happy Bug. He looks so grown up.
J and N. N was not happy at this point, getting tired. This is about 45 minutes before we were done.
J- just chilling on the snow.
BB getting ready to head down the hill. He loved it. He gets to go back with the other exchange students later in February. He will get to ski, snowboard and tube on that day.

The happy mommas
One styling teen.
Heading up the hill for our first run of the day
And Bug is off and sliding
Bug at the bottom of the hill- just enjoying the ride
the snow is pretty much all man made at this point- behind Bug you can see the brown ground of the surrounding area.
Typical Japanese pose- with the "V" signs
Bug played some basketball games- so far his team has lost every game. He only has 2 more games left this season. I am ready for the season to be done. Bug will not be playing a full season of sports in Spring as BB is in volleyball. Bug will be able to enjoy bowling again after school on Fridays- hopefully they have it again this year.
Look at that jump- this was practice, but I am so happy to see him jumping well.
Yesterday, before our basketball game, we went to see the Cincinnati Pops. We took one of Bug's friends and had a great time listening to the music.
Momma and BB
The concerts are kid friendly, so the programs have activities for the kids to do before the concert.
Last night, after the concert and the basketball game, we celebrated my birthday. We normally celebrate on Sundays, but there was supposed to be a winter storm coming thru over night- it ended up being nothing, but it is nice to have a day to sleep in and just relax at home.
Birthday Momma
A friend sent me some hedgehogs (chocolate covered hazelnut cream candies, shaped like hedgehogs) from Canada. they are only available on the west coast of Canada and I love them. I had to eat one and hide the rest so they last for a while.

My birthday cake. Hard to believe that next year I will be 1/2 a century old. I am already planning my party- I am going to do something fun.
The boys got me a book I wanted, a movie and the latest CD by U2. Great presents.
This week was also Catholic Schools week. Last Sunday, 25Jan, Bug's school had open house. We toured the 5th grade rooms to see what is coming next year, we also looked at the 7-8th grade rooms as Bug will be in middle school before I know it (how did that happen). We visited with the Spanish teacher to see if she wanted anything from Guatemala, because we are going to Guatemala this year. She asked for newspapers or Magazines. So maybe we can ask Mireya and Popi Carlos to save newspapers this year for us and we can ship them back from Guatemala while we are there?????
Finally- I will end with the chandelier at Music Hall. The boys kept discussion it falling before the concert. No matter how much I told them it would not fall down, they kept thinking of ways it could be cool if it did fall. BOYS!
We have a busy February coming and I will try hard to post more frequently. I think I need to give up Facebook as that is where I post the most since it is easier to do using my phone (where I take most of pictures now). But I love this blog, I just need to get back in the habit of posting here.
Love and hugs,
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