It has been a busy week. Bug has been on Spring break, but I have had to work all week due to deliverables at work. Bug has spent the week with Mam and Pap. They have worn him out!!! He might have worn them out too.
Bug got this wonderful idea to tape his face- he was smart enough to not cover his nostrils. Bug he learned that taping your eyebrows is not a good thing.

Pap had asked me to come over and help him clean gutters, but Friday he decided that he was going to do it himself (why he decided this, I am not sure).
Yes, a grandpa who has to use a scooter, up on the roof for hours. I made it over to help out by cleaning up. But there are days I would like shake my dad for his 'bright' ideas.

Bug decided to do some motorcycle riding.
Saturday, we headed to the International Quilt Festival. Bug decided to have some fun while we we waiting. I am trying out curly hair this weekend. I love it, I think curly hair (perm) will be great while I grow out my hair. So in a few weeks, I am off to get my hair permed.

The gang at the festival
I love this quilt- or really like it a lot. The quilting that is a shadow start is what makes this whole quilt POP
Quilt inspired by India
Just awesome. But is not touching it, just pointing.
fishy, fishy quilt- nice and sparkly. Bug liked this one
Cherry blossoms and butterflies- another favorite
This was one of my all time favorites- called scale and balance- lots of dance/acro moves, all quilted.

from the "O, Canada" section- feeding time.
This one was cool- plain fabric, then the stitches in the pattern of different quilt patterns. It was simple looking, but definitely not simple.
thread art- Hollyhocks at the cabin door.
And finally- taken from the facebook page for the internal quilt festival- lone star quilt in way cool colors.
We walked around for about 4 hours looking at quilts and the various vendors. I am tired from the work week and the walking. I think an early bed time is in order.Love and hugs,
I'll trade you my curls for your non-curls. Planning on spending an hour tomorrow morning straightening the hair after a miserable week of curls.
ReplyDeleteI love the plain fabric squares quilt with the embroidered (?) design. Reminds me of some of the crochet samplers I've done or wanted to do.