Today, we headed out to kitefest with Julie and N. 

Bug has never flown a kite and I don't ever remember flying a kite either- a learning experience for us both. I should have figured we were in trouble when Bug kept saying he wanted the kite low. Kites are supposed to be high, the wind was great today for flying kites and I figured once Bug saw the kites up high, he would let his go up high. HAHAHA, I forget my son is on his own agenda.
The wind was wicked low to the ground and Bug was not letting the string out enough. So frustrating for me, then I let go of the whole idea of controlling the day and things got better.
N, Julie and Bug
N's kite would not fly high at all, so the boys ended up happily flying kites at about chest height. They were happy, which means the mommas were happy.
Then Bug found that flying the kite by the tail was a good thing- this after N starting flying his kite by the tail.
As we were leaving, we ran into a man with huskies. I asked if they pulled sleds, he said not really, they pull scooters. I think I see a way for Pap to get around.
on the shuttle bus back to the car, the boys looked like they were sharing secrets, but they were just butting heads.
The giant manatee ray kite (professional kite flyer)
The giant lizard- again, flown by a professional
We took the boys to BW's for dinner. The hope was that Uncle Dave would be there, but he was not. Too bad.
On the way home, Bug was asleep by the time we got off the lateral (Julie knows what this means). He has a nice nap on the way home. Tonight, he needs a bath, school clothes laid out, school lunch made, phonetics practice, math facts practice and piano practice. Lots to do in a short amount of time. I need to go get him out of the bath now.
Love and hugs,
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