Monday, April 02, 2012

some quilting going on around here

I have not been able to join my quilting group this year- still working thru anxious attachment issues with Bug and some days it is not worth the fight with him after I leave him for a few hours of momma time.  So I joined an online group and many in the group decided to work on an online Block of Month (BOM) quilt.  There are 2 blocks each month, so far. I am using black as the background and batiks in yellow, orange, red, and pink for the feature fabrics. I am liking the look so far.

January BOM 1

January BOM 2

February BOM 1
(I love this design and I am going to use it for another quilt)

February BOM 2
The only problem with this one is that it turned out 3 inches too large on each side, so I am going to have to redo this one in different fabric this month.

March BOM 1

March BOM 2
yes, I see the mistake in it.

April's blocks are primarily hand quilting/sewing.  I am a machine quilter, I think I might have to change it up a little so I can machine quilt.  Or, I could save them for May when I have a business trip to San Diego and I will need something to do on the plane to the west coast.  Nothing like 5 hours on a plane and a layover.  But, if I wait until May, I have to hope that the 2 blocks for May are easy to put together. So far, the blocks go together in about an hour. It is just finding the time to pull out the sewing machine, clean off the dinning room table, set up the ironing board and know that it all has to stay up for about a week total for each block to be done. One day, I will have a sewing area in the basement- one day far in the future.

Bug has been helping on some of the blocks.  he picked the fabrics for the design in February that I love.  He also helped pull out the fabric strips for the second block in March.  He does like to run the foot pedal, although he holds it and pushes on it.  he so wants to sew the fabric.  I might have to cut a few pieces for him and let him have some fun.

Well, that is about it for tonight.  Love and hugs,

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