It has been a nice first half to the week. Yesterday, Bug got his bike out for some riding. He is getting big for his bike, I am trying to encourage him to loose the training wheels. I think I have him convinced that he can have the training wheels taken off. We are just going to have to practice, practice, practice. but, I think I know what he is getting for his birthday.

In terms of nice things- Bug showed me just the type of man he is growing up to be. After playing on his bike with the kids next door, they moved to playing Frisbee, soccer and chalk. While playing, the older child started picking on the younger child and even locked the younger one in the back yard. Bug stepped in and told the older child that she was being mean and it was not nice. he defended the younger child, ensuring that he sided with the younger one. I was so proud of him for protecting the younger child and standing with the the younger child. I took him to McDonald's for dinner after play time was over. After he ate, I told him he could have 15 minutes to play in the indoor playground. While he was playing, a girl about his age started playing with him. Her much younger sister (maybe 18 months) came to play too. The older sister basically ignored her younger sister, but Bug shepherded the little one along thru the play area. He made sure she got up the play structure, helped her down the slide and protected her from other little boys (there was one pushing kids down). Again, I was so proud.
He is a compassionate young man, he helps those that are smaller, he challenges behavior that is not kind. He does the right thing. That's my boy, my precious young man, growing up into a man who does what is right.
I was playing with the settings on the my camera, while looking at the flowers around the yard. The creeping phlox is almost done.
The front roses are blooming
The geraniums are going strong
The roses on the site of the house are blooming out
The irises out front are preparing to open
And Bug is practicing for cub scout camp
Love and hugs,
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