You know summer is almost over when soccer practice starts. 02-Aug-2016 was the first soccer practice of the year. I think it was the hottest and most humid day yet. I felt like I was in a bath tub of hot, moist air. I don't know how the boys were able to run around for 90 minutes. Since practice was out at the park, Pablito got to go too. He was one happy dog. See that happy face, he is saying "here is my toy (the black thing on the ground in front of him), play with me". 
This is Pablo 15 minutes later when I walked him to the shade- one worn out dog due to the heat and humidity. Last year, Rocket's team practiced on the back field, so there was some shade after about 30 minutes into the practice, this year they are on the front field- NO SHADE at all. I will be sitting back by the other field for the rest of the season.
This is one of the larger fields and about the view I had of Rocket's practice at some points. Last year, we were closer to the trees and I would walk Pablo along the edge of the tall grass which was a buffer between the fields and the road you can't see. This year, the tall grass extends closer to the fields.
I took Pablo for a walk back by the tall grass and he just wanted to lay in the grass to cool off. Of course then he was not happy that the bugs were biting him and the grass was tickling his belly, so he kept moving.
this is me toward the end of practice- full sun. So not happening again. Notice the cars behind me, some parents sat in their cars, with the engines running for 90 minutes so they could have air conditioning. Yes, I am judging here, I can not believe they wasted so much gas.
In other exciting news, we are about 2 days (from the date of this post) to meeting our newest exchange student. This weekend was a flurry of last minute cleaning and organizing. I labeled all the cabinets. Last time I used masking tape, but I did not like the look. This year I found chalk board tape (you write on it with chalk). I like the look more, but I can already see the issue- the chalk can be smeared very easily. There are already 2 drawers and 1 cabinet where the labels can't be read. It does help the students quickly learn where things go when the student has to put away dishes.
As you can see the counter here is a disaster. I spent a good amount of time cleaning it up and organizing. I think it will be much more functional- this is where the phones and I-pads are charged.
Here is the rest of kitchen- I think this the cleanest it has been in months. Hopefully I can keep it this way. I told our student, Falco (the nickname he gave me), that when he first gets here, the house will be the cleanest it will be his whole stay. I am hoping I can keep it looking good most of the time.
Sunday, I took Mam and Rocket to the symphony for Lumenocity. It is a program that they have done for 4 years. This year was the last year for it. We saw it live 2 years ago (from a very obstructed view point), last year we did not get tickets, so this was it. I liked it indoors, especially because it meant we had assigned seats. We have some other concerts later this year and next year, and this is about where our seats will be for those concerts. I really like the view.
Lumenocity is musical show where the laser lights are projected onto the surround of the stage. In the past years, since this was an outdoor concert, the project would be on the side/shape of the building.
I stopped taking pictures after about 5 minutes because I wanted to enjoy the show. I think Rocket liked it- he was very relaxed at the end, which is how I feel after a classical music concert. In the past, we have attended many of the kid concerts for the year, they are more energetic and many times have more popular/current music included. This year, our concert series is moving into more grown up concert experiences. We still have some of the kids concerts too, but the goal is to expand Rocket's appreciation for classical music.
One of the concerts coming up has lots of music from movies- think lots of John Williams pieces, where as later in the year we will see Peter and Wolf (classical music). I am looking forward to experiencing these concerts with the Rocket and Falco.
I noticed as I started to write this post that I am at 898 blog posts. I am going to hold off blogging until Falco arrives and make his arrival the 900th blog post. I am also going to start a second blog just for my quilting- I will still post quilting stuff here, but I am writing a blog post for work about how quilting and my work are very similar. I don't want all my work colleagues reading this blog, so I will start a separate one. I will link the quilting blog to this blog, but I will not link this blog on the quilting blog. That way I can keep this blog more private. Look for the notice about the new blog coming soon.
Well, I am off to do more work today. Have a great day, talk to you later.
Love and hugs,
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