Bug received a package from Guatemala and he really got a thrill from the funny glasses. But he decided he did not like them so much when he realized his nose was getting too hot. But he is a cutie!!!
Thursday morning, we headed out to visit friends. Bug was not too happy to have his picture taken at 8 am in the morning.
We got to CEEC house around 1 pm and had some craft time while little C finished her nap.
Once little C woke up, there was some sword playing, lots of following the cute boy around. It brought back memories of how Bug used to follow Big M around when he was 2. 

They have a hidey hole under the steps for the kids to play in- it is like a secret cave. Bug loved it.

After dinner, there were Popsicle on the steps.
and some rock climbing in the yard.
The kids- Bug (6), Little C (2), and Little E (8). It was interesting to see how Bug could play in both the older group and the with Little C, whereas Little E was very aware that when the kids were outside that if her friends saw her playing with the younger kids, then she would picked on. I feel bad, why is it that kids are so cruel to each other, Little E should be free to play with Bug and Little C as she wants and not have to worry about what her friends think about it. I know peer pressure is coming for Bug, I am just hoping it does not come so fast.
We drove home Friday evening, this was Bug 15 minutes after we were on the road. He slept the entire way home- all 4.5 hours and then was still tired in the morning. The trip was quick, but we both had a good time.
Sometimes it is just nice to hang out for a few days.
Saturday, we did some shopping for school. Bug is so excited to be able to sit in the cart. It is a treat for him.
And the day is finally here that we have been building to for the last few weeks- the First day of school.
So excited to go back to school.
A happy day. Bug reported that nothing made him smile and nothing made him sad at school today. when I asked him later, he was more forth coming. He liked seeing his friends from last year in his class, he had art today and he learned not to shout "hey" at his classmates. His lunch came home half eaten, which is better than last year when his lunch came home uneaten for 2 weeks. He had one paper to do as homework, which he did without complaining (YES!!!!!!!!!). we got his book bag ready for tomorrow and his lunch made. I am hopeful that this year continues to be a positive experience for Bug.
After school and homework time, Bug had playtime with Little M. The boys played swords (do you see a theme in what Bug likes), they rode scooters and then spent the rest of the time drawing on the driveway with chalk.
Bug's house. I like it- so colorful. Look at the color on his knees
2 very proud boys.
This was a good day.We hope your day was a good day too.
Love and hugs,
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