We were gearing up for jam packed birthday weekend, but then Bug got really sick. The Y where he has been in summer camp closed the pools on Tuesday due to a water borne disease. The infection lasts 2-10 days, but Bug is not allowed back in the pool for an additional 2 weeks. By Thursday night, Bug was in stage one of the infection. Friday was a day I would like to forget- although this picture of my cutie sleeping is wonderful.
Saturday started out better and then Bug spiked a fever again and when he threw up, there was blood mixed in (apparently this is pretty common for kids). We spent the remainder of the afternoon at the hospital to make sure he was OK. We got the testing kit so they could diagnosis what we all think he has and thank goodness, Mam and Pap went with us. Being a single parent, it means so much to me that my parents drop everything and go with me when Bug has had to go to the hospital. Even if they can't be in the room, just knowing they are there, helps to keep me calm. We came home and Bug was pretty exhausted. Pap was asking Bug if he wanted the blanket, Bug kept saying no, although he was saying he was cold.
Bug fell asleep at 7 pm.
Sunday was his family birthday party. We had all the family over and that includes Hermano and his parents. Bug was still not feel well and actually, he would have probably gone to sleep, except Hermano arrived. Bug had 2 bites of his hot dog and that was the extent of his food for the day.

The rest of family had delicious corn from the farm, some yummy burgers, hot dogs and brats and all the veggies you could want. It was good.
Bug, as usual, does not like to hear the singing. He wanted cupcakes, so we had those. It worked out great. There was lots of fighting for the rainbow sherbet that we had instead of ice cream- who knew???
Not listening to the singing. Hermano was happy to sing, although he was not too sure what Pap was singing.
Plenty of breath to blow out the candles.
High fives instead of hugs. Bug is just silly.
Bug wanted a pillow pet, so his momma got him one. He was one happy boy. Between all the Transformers and all the cool tools Hermano got him, he is one blessed little man in terms of birthday presents.
Bug got to stay home today and this was his morning face. He will be home again tomorrow. Unless his G.I. issues are gone for 24 hours, he can not go back to summer camp. His last day at summer camp is supposed to be Wednesday. Go figure.
After Bug's birthday celebration on Sunday, we had a skype call with his foster family in Guatemala. Hermano and Bug were fostered together, so it was a cool call. Bug was pretty quiet as usual on the call, but Hermano was all out entertaining. He sang, shared his new Spanish vacabulary and had no problem chatting with Popi, Momi and the girls. I think we need to have Hermano over every time we have a skype call, he sure lessens the time I have to talk and is a sure sight more entertaining.
Since Bug has been so sick, I promised a separate dinner with just me when he feels better, whatever he wants. So far, the menu includes chocolate cake. Bug is a boy after my own heart!!!!!
School starts in a week. We know his teacher and his classmates. A few of the boys from his kindergarten class are in his 1st grade class. None of the girls from his K class are in his 1st grade room. But there are only 2 classes, so he will be seeing the other class pretty regularly.
I hear him stirring, so I have to go check on him now and head to bed myself.
Love and hugs,
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