We woke up to SNOW!!!!!!! Not much, but still too much in my book. Bug looked out the back window and declared that when he got home from school, he was putting on his snow pants and sliding down his slide. I had to let him know that by the time he came home snow would be gone. He was not happy to hear this news. I guess Bug is looking forward to the snow. I have now seen it for the season and I am good. We could have no snow for the winter and I would be fine. I have no hope of that happening, but I can dream.
Bug had to bundle up this morning, it was COLD
One bundled up momma too.
Bug received his bobcat patch at cub scouts tonight. He was so excited.

The parents also took part in the ceremony, I got to pin the bobcat patch on his shirt and then the fun part, I got to paint his face.
A bobcat paw print for the spirit of the bobcat- strong and true.

Yellow stripes for the path of God to follow
And, then Bug got to paint me (all the kids painted the parents)
Red for love
My little Bobcat
one small, but strong family
And later in the award ceremony, Bug received his biking and kickball belt loops.

It was a long day, but a good day. Since Bug's pack meeting was on Veteran's Day, the scout masters had a special presentation on the Star Spangled banner and then the pack retired 3 American flags and a state flag. it was a moving ceremony. Thank you to all those who have served and are serving our country.
Love and hugs,
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