Tuesday night, I had parent teacher conference with Bug's teacher, on the wall is the reading turkey. For each book or chapter the kids read, they get to put a feather on the turkey. Bug has contributed quite a few feathers. We read 4-6 books a night.
Wednesday was not a good day at the beginning. I had car trouble on Tuesday night and we spent 3.5 hours at the service department. I was certain I was going to have buy a new car. But it turns out our car needed a new battery and a new starter. it was still expensive but not as expensive as a new car.

We got to see the seals or sea lions.
The wolves sleeping in the sun on their den
Turtle boy came to play.
Happy boy
he found the mail box to send letters to Santa.
Our family having fun riding the animals. We crossed a milestone this trip to the zoo, for the first time in 4.5 years, Bug did not have a stroller. Bug walked 4 hours, up and down the zoo 3 times. It was so nice to not have to push the stroller everywhere.
Momma and Bug
Flying high on the eagle
Gingerbread man- yum, yum, yum.
This morning, Bug and I made pumpkin pies.
And Bug played like a baby on the floor.
Now the turkey is in the oven and we are resting and enjoying time together as a family.
Love and hugs,
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