at the party- ignore the blurriness of the pictures, something was wrong in the place we were at and nearly every picture everyone took was blurry.
sliding down the way cool slide!!! This was one of the places with inflatable slides, jump houses, etc. Bug loved it.
This is Little M and I bouncing- we loved it too.
This was great, since the mommas got to play too. Just don't ask me about the inflatable obstacle course.
I even took Littl M down the slide. Thanks Ms. A for holding all my stuff and taking pictures.
It was AWESOME!!!!!
Bug starting thru the obstacle course.
Little M and I playing basketball in the bounce house- Bug was at the other end of the house trying to shoot baskets. It is hard when the floor moves, but he was making baskets quite frequently.

It was a good day, a busy day, but a good day. Thank goodness we get an extra hour of sleep tonight since we fall back.Love and hugs,
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