Just to be clear, there is no part 2 to Christmas Day post. I forgot to take more photos when the rest of the family came over. We were having too much fun playing with Bug's toys.
For the last few days, the weathermen have been warning about a big snow storm coming our way. It started this morning at 4 am with freezing rain and sleet. According to the weather reports we will get 4-6 inches of snow. Hermano will be getting 6-10 inches of snow. it will be 24 hour event in terms of snow, rain, sleet and everything else coming our way. Pablo has been enjoying the weather.
The snow started at 9 am this morning for us.
Pablo was in heaven. He is headed back to the fence to see if his 'buddies' in the yard behind us were out. I seriously want a wall back there- they have 4 dogs that bark constantly if they see anything move. I would prefer Pablo never saw them again.
We headed out at 10 am to shovel the driveway. With the 1/2 inch of slush from the freezing rain/sleet below the snow, it would be a sheet of ice tonight as the temperature falls. So I wanted it cleared off before we have a 1/2 inch sheet of ice on the driveway.
Bug took a few breaks while we shovelled, he made some snow angels- Pablo could not figure it out.
Bug looks like he is doing push ups, but he is actually showing me how to walk like a polar bear. Pablo still can't figure it out.
Finally, so snow shovelling.
After finishing our shovelling, we headed to backyard to play. It is easier to let Pablo play in the backyard then to hold him on the leash in the front yard. Bug was making snowballs. Pablo could not find them when they hit the ground, so they are disappearing balls for the dog.

falling down laughing.
I love snow, give me more of those disappearing balls.

Well, Bug is telling me he is hungry and wants lunch. Pablo is trying to sleep and I am ready for a nap too. Have a great day.
Love and hugs,