On 23dec2012, we had a dusting of snow and Pablo loved it. He took his baby (stuffed toy) out and threw it all over the yard. It was funny watching him.

Sunday, one of our morning buddies gave Bug a magic kit while we were at breakfast before church.
Christmas Eve in front of the tree. Bug is getting so big.
Our family
Sitting with Santa. I wonder what is in the bag???
The tree all lit up and presents waiting for Bug to get up.
Bug slept until 7:30 am this morning, everyone else was up at least 30 minutes before Bug woke up. Unbelievable.
Momma, stop with the pictures already. The presents- most are for Bug. He made out like a fat rat, which is OK with me.
An Innotab (kid ipad type thing). YEAH. This was a big gift and so far only I have played with it.
Pablo got a huge bone. He has been chewing on it for 2 hours and he is still not ready to stop. I finally have something to prevent Pablo from Chewing everything in the house. He should sleep well today.

Helping Pap open gifts.
Santa drank the milk and ate the cookies. YUM
More Pablo and the bone.
We are just waiting for the rest of the family to get here for part 2 of Christmas and our Christmas meal.
Love and hugs,
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