Saturday, we had attended a birthday party for Bug's friend. It was a small party, but lots of fun. The kids played, the parents talked. Definitely a low key party, which was wonderful.

Tonight, we attended the annual FTGA Christmas party. 40 families and all the kids ages 6 and up. It was sad on one hand, no little ones, but exciting to see how much the kids have grown and how school has taught them to socialize and just jump right in to the games. Bug remarked on the way home that it was nice being with kids who look like him. He could not elaborate on his comment, but I appreciate his thought- he was in a group where he was the same. The same, even down to parents- all Caucasian.
Bug received 2 puzzles and 1 movie from Santa.
All the kids- this coming year will mark 10 years the group has been meeting. Lots of fun things planned for next year.
Bug was worn out- it was close to his bedtime and he was ready to sleep. Unfortunately, he stayed awake until 9:30 which was 1.5 hours later then he should have been awake. My feeling, he has a total of 3 days of school this week, only 2 more left and one late night is not going to kill him. He studied hard before we left for the party and I will spot check him in the morning on spelling words and math facts for his tests on Tuesday. He will be fine.
one more picture of the kids.
love and hugs,
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