Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year's eve

Bug and I had a good day as the last day of year.  Bug wanted to go swimming, so off to the Y we went for some swimming fun.

After swimming, we had lunch, then ran an errand. As we finished the one errand, the snow started.  So home we went to hang out, rest and clean.

This evening we talked to Bug's family in Guatemala.  Bug and Pablo entertained them for almost an hour.  Then after the call, Bug wanted to do the sparklers. So at 8 pm, we headed out to celebrate the new year.

Now we are watching a movie and I expect that Bug will be asleep in the next hour. 

Happy New Year to everyone.

Love and hugs,

1 comment:

  1. Deb and Nene, was very pleased to see them and share with you, thanks for taking the time, were unforgettable moments, you have a great 2013, full of blessings.

    We love you very much, thank you very much.
    Carlos, Mireya, Susy, Karla and Nigua.
