He enjoyed the pedal plane- although when it started jumping up and down, he was done with it.

The slide- 2 thumbs up

derby racing- the best. Bug had to ride it 2 times.

Whacking the moles- awesome to get out tension. Momma like this the best (yes, I took a turn)

Air hockey- we both enjoyed this. bug really got the hang of this game quickly and he gave me a run for my money during the second game.

Skeet ball AKA throw the ball. bug did not like this because he could not get the ball into the ring area.

Racing- this was good so long as Momma was in charge of the gas pedal (Bug can't reach the pedals).
Games - FUN
food- YUCK
We had a great time until the place started filling up- by the time we left, both Bug and felt too crowded. So definitely we will do this again- in the late afternoon and only for games.
Oh- we will skip all the games for tickets for prizes. Bug earned 74 tickets which earned him 3 pieces of candy. Not worth it. he can spend his money riding the horse and talking to chucky.
Love and hugs,
Congratulations on your 2-year milestone. I know it was a long road for you and Bug to get here, but I know it was all worth it having that precious little boy in your arms. It seems like only yesterday we brought our boys home.