After dinner, we took Bug to a westside tradition- the best soft serve ice cream in the city.

Mr chocolate lips

Momma and Bug enjoying a treat

Mam and Bug enjoying a treat

Just hanging out, enjoying the evening and enjoying time together.

Pap had his ice cream in the car.

We are watching the world cup qualifier- US versus Honduras. Honduras just scored- I think we are cheering for the wrong team!!!!
Love to you,
Explination on westside- our city is pretty much eastside versus westside. When you meet people, the first thing most folks try to find out is where the other person lives. Since we mived here when I was 12, we have always lived on the westside, my mom grew up in the central area. I briefly thought about moving to the eastside when Imoved home, but that would make getting together with my family more difiicult. While I like the eastside and I can find my way around the eastside, I am glad we live on the westside now that Bug is here.
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