Sir Nene Bug- prince of the realm

Teacups on our last night.

In the stocks- Bug was a little short

Bug with his cousins- R and J. Bug latched onto R for the day. It was so neat to see them hanging out together.

Driving for Pap and making silly eyes



African outpost

China- the rain came and we were waiting it out

We did the Kidcot tour of countries- we only missed a few after Bug feel asleep

Making his mask at Mexico's Kidcot. At each county a new charm is put on depicting something from that country.

Disney expenses: which one costs the most? The items, in no particular order cost, $6.50, $14.50, $17.00 and $26.00. The answer is at the bottom of this post.

Laundry day

This was a hard trip for Bug. He was not ready for bigger characters even though I tried to prepare him. He was completely freaked out by it all. he kept asking me if someone was going to come take him away- a typical question for him, so I did not pay much attention until about day 4 when he was scared before bed. We started talking and he told me that he was waiting for the people to come take him to his new home. Talk about being punched in the gut. My heart broke for him.
here, I was talking about our "home" the hotel and he was thinking that another family was coming to get him and take him away again. All the memories of Guatemala in June 2007 are just laying there, right below the surface, waiting for the trigger that brings them back. It is so hard to hear him talk about someone coming to take him and know that I was the one that took him away before. This is a trauma that we will be dealing with for years- but Bug is working through it all and he needs to be able to say these things. It is hard to watch though and know that there is nothing I can do to take away the pain and the fear.
all I could do this time was reassure him that we would be going home together on the plane with Mam and Pap to our house. I also stopped referring to the hotel as "home". That seemed to help the most.
Coming back through the airport, though, I found out that Bug was still trying to put it all together- as he asked if the TSA agents were the men coming to take him away. It just hurts to know that there is this wound in his heart that not healing and that he lives in fear in new situations that he will be taken away. How to do as a parent help a child work through that? What can you say, what can you do? How do you give your child the tools to help them find their way through the emotions that rage all the time?
Please pray for Bug's heart and this wound. Please, he is just a scared little boy and he needs the protection that love provides. He is precious and incredible and he carries this hurt around.
I saw him relax and fall into drumming- his release, his joy, I saw a little boy freed from the cares and weight of being scared.
I think this will be the last big trip 9excluding Jason's high school trip next year) that we take for awhile. Little, shorter trips will be the plan for awhile. Bug needs the comfort of home and the security that home and routine provide.
Thankfully this week is a short week for us due to the US Holiday on Friday (work is letting us off because Saturday is the 4th of July- US Independence day).
We might also have a big announcement this week- lining things up though- hold on to your hats.
Love to you,
PS- the answer to which cost the most: the replacement sunglasses for Bug $26.00. The Bus was the cheapest, then the Mickey toy, the water bottle was $17.00.
Oh, that's so heartbreaking! But it's a huge clue to figuring out why he's always so scared in new situations. I don't know much about anything, but do you think it would help to talk about his future with you? Like when he grows up and you bring him to this high school, like when he grows up he'll play sports at this park, when he grows up he'll go shopping with his friends at this mall. Things that send him the message that he will be with you and you will still be his mom when all of these things happen as he grows up. The part of Ingrid's story that breaks my heart is when she specifically asked what her life would be like in NY with me, it was like she needed to know that my home would be her final home. She was a little older than Bug is now, but remembered at least one transition (she had another one but I don't know when).
ReplyDeleteI hope you find ways to make him feel always secure. Sending hugs.