Bug is growing by leaps and bounds. I am astounded every day at how much he has changed and is changing.
He loves his computer and if I would let him, he would play on the computer all evening. But, he earns his time on the computer and right now, a half hour is all he gets a day.

Mornings are not the best time for Bug. We have very grey and rainy days and with the days getting shorter, it is harder to get up in the morning.
This is more like it- a smiling, happy Bug
Bug earned a ribbon at school today. He had to read to the class. He is so proud of his ribbon, I am so proud of him. He has practiced very hard each night on reading the book. He also got stickers for being good in class. He loves school and I am so excited for him and so proud of him. 
Love and hugs,
Way to go, Bug!