Saturday, September 03, 2011

Bug and the art museum

Bug has been practicing piano each day- no fuss at all.  he loves it.

Even when he gives me this pathetic, silly look.  This is his "I refuse to smile look' these days.

Today, I took Bug to the Art Museum to get us out of the house.  We could not go to the zoo because it was supposed to be 100 degrees outside- way TOOOOOOO hot to be outside. We went early, before the museum even open and we had to wait about 10 minutes on the porch, but it was nice and cool on the porch since the build is made of marble.

They opened the doors 10 minutes before the museum open.  That allowed us to wait in the cool lobby.

Bug noticed the glass sculpture hanging in the middle of the ceiling.  This is by the same person who did the one at the children's museum we visited a few months ago. Just this one is much, much smaller.

Bug and his bear next to a scale model of the city's fountain.

making ceramic plates from magnets- Bug loved this activity.

We went into the artworld exhibit- this is a place for kids to create.  We were 2 hours early for all the major activities (Family first Saturdays), but they still had things to do and questions to answer.  The question today was "what do you like about nature", Bug wrote 'that you fin stuf', which is 'that you find stuff'.
He was so proud of his writing.

Looking a snowflake picture.  it would be nice to have some of the coolness.

Looking at the big picture.  Bug was actually more interested in the silver pitchers, the pottery, and the furniture on display.

pondering the pictures.

This is a larger version of vase we saw in another exhibit area.  I like this one because of the boats on the water- so calming.  This is a vase made by Rookwood pottery, which was located here in our city.  Now the old pottery kilns are a restaurant. 

Bug looking at the glass sculpture from the second floor.

Pap did not go with us, but we picked him up for lunch.  Pap is telling Bug to stop blowing bubbles in his ice tea.  Bug is getting ready to ignore him, especially because Momma is telling him it is OK to blow the bubbles.

We came home to escape the heat.  It has been a lazy day here at home, although we made the dessert to take to hermano's house tomorrow.  Then Monday is a holiday for us, and we are going to spend the day cleaning up the house- the clutter and junk is getting to me.  So lots of organization going on.

The negative highlight of the day- turning over the couch and realizing that I have to replace the couch.  So I am starting to look at couches.  Definitely not what I wanted in our budget at this time.  But with 2 springs broken and one of the wooden supports broken, it is needed.

Love and hugs,

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