late last night, I received an invite to go out to dinner with friends from my college days. Since I am leaving for a business trip on Sunday, Bug tagged along. Bug has come a long way in the last year, but me leaving is very hard on him still, so I knew when I accepted the invite, there was no way I could have Bug stay with Mam and Pap while I went out for the evening. Since it was early dinner and at a local shopping center, I had no issue bringing him along. We arrived a few hours early, so I could walk Bug around and let him wear off some energy. That plan failed even though we walked around for 2 hours. When every arrived, Bug stopped talking (typical reaction), but he warmed up when we went outside to sit at the tables. Bug decided he needed to run around. He was allowed to run to the lamp post and back. The lamp post quickly became the post to circle, at high speeds.

Bug had mini burgers and crisps for dinner. We were at the Pub for dinner. Bug took one bite of the burgers and declared that they were yuck since they were steak not hamburgers. He at the crisps (chips), and the mozzarella cheese balls I order for him. 

Some friends from college- Mr. T and Mrs K. Mr T was the reason we all got together, he was in town for the weekend.
Mr C and Mrs F- newly weds.
running away.
it was a good night out. I really have been blessed to renew the connections with friends from college. I also found out that a former co worker was one of my college friends. Lest you think, what????? He worked in the IT department at a company I worked for, and I recognized his name when I was there, but I had no interaction with him. Such a small world.
Love and hugs,
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