Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Day 7- The zoo with our Compassion kids

Friday was one of the biggest days in our trip- we finally got to meet our Compassion kids.  All of them, we started sponsoring after our last trip. These are our kids.
B, his mom and his Compassion center staff member
Y, and her father

I, her mother.  Y and I attend the same Compassion project.

J, his brother, mother and little sister.

Amiga and B as we rested during our walk around the zoo.  There were about a billion kids at the zoo.  When a school goes to the zoo, the entire school goes, not just one grade.  Apparently there were only 2 schools at the zoo, but it sure felt like all the schools in Guatemala City were at the zoo.

Bug's hand in the same size as Nigua's.

J, showing us his skills with the top.

Israel, the translator and Mam, before lunch.

La Familia, Mam and the Compassion project person for Little J

Bug enjoying flan
I and her mom after lunch.  They got on a bus at 3 am to come visit with us.

Y and her father.  It was great that Y and I had each other to talk with on the bus.  They both walked around the school holding my hands.  Sweet girls

B, being a teenager.  he has about 2 more years before he ages out of the program due to graduating from school.  He is a wonderful young man.

Todos la familia- all in our OLG shirts (Bug's school).  I forgot to get Amiga one.  I will have to order one for her as soon as school starts.

Picture for out local community newspaper

Bug and Amiga playing on the couch while we waited for pizza to be delivered.  Yes, we ordered pizza at the hotel.  We just needed a simple night. Amiga joined us in our room for dinner and games.

after she and Bug played 'thumb wrestling'

And arm wrestling.

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