Pap celebrated his birthday with the family on Sunday. I actually got him to wear the new birthday hat.
Pap asked for apple pie thinking I could not put candles on it- HAHAHA- candles go anywhere. Bug says he wants a pie for his family birthday. It might be a new tradition in our family. 

Bug was having some fun with silly faces.
Luke was completely exhausted after our 10 minute walk on Friday. It was 100 F outside. Luke needed the fan and AC on him to cool down
Silly boys
Luke happy with a slipper (it was going in the trash), Bug happy with Luke.
This week is Independance day week- unfortunately the holiday is on wednesday, so we only get 1 day off this week, but it will be nice to sleep later on Wednesday. Maybe Luke will be tired enough to sleep until 8 am. We have the neighborhood parade at 10 am, but we are only watching this year. It is too hard to control Luke around other people and I have done nothing to decorate his bike or scooter. Bug says he just wants to watch the parade.
We are in drought, so it will be interesting to see how many of my neighbors set off fireworks this year.
Love and hugs,
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