The mommas

Bug watching the other boys. I think he is just overwhelmed with anything more than 2- he played fine one on one with the other boys, but when they were in one large group- Bug got quiet.

D and C- the first 2 boys. They were fostered together, just like Bug and hermano were. D, C and Bug all wear the same size clothes and Bug is a year younger.

Another good one
Earlier in the day, Pap and I got up on my roof to fix some things. Something was leaking and when I called the roofing company, they told me it would be over $500.00 and there was no guarantee that it would fix the issue. My dad took a look and said there was no way that the leak was being caused by the thing the roofing company indicated because water does not flow up hill. So we bought the stuff at Home Depot and spent the late morning on the roof.

Bug and Mam played in the leaves

Int he early morning- we headed to costco so Pap could get some things.

Bug is being taught how to drive because Pap is bound and determined to get him a battery powered motorcycle for Christmas.

Bug found the horses- I think he would be happy to have a horse for Christmas. Of course, Momma would have to tell him that some people have horses at their house. bug believes they live at the park
So that was our busy day. Today, Mariposa moved out- we wish her well in the next part of her year. Mam and Pap are over to watch the cardiac cats throw away a game and have chili with us.
Love and hugs,
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