Our afternoon/evening recap- again in reverse order.

8 pm- finishing our evening at the zoo. Bug was tired, I was tired, Mam was tired. Bug stayed awake until we got home, then was asleep in 5 minutes after I put him to bed.

The gang. Y was not happy- she was one tired girl.

Oh my goodness- Bug touched a character. Of course it took Y coming over and showing him how to be brave. maybe we should have gone to Disney with them???

Yes, I am holding him in the picture. He was not happy about having to smile.

Here he is listening to the puppets. He even talked to them and told them his name. I am amazed at how much Bug comes out of his shell when Y is around.

The mommas and kids.

the kids together. T and I joked that one day when they get married, we will have a slide show running for 3 hours at the reception. Of course, we will be happy if they are friends for life, marriage is just a dream.

Another character- Frosty.

Bug and Y played on the slide after the rides.

Howling at the moon and loving it.

the first ride

T and Y arriving at the zoo.

They had the penguins out!!!! Too cool.

Measuring up against the tigers.

We took Mam and Pap to Skyline for dinner. Bug only eats the crackers and cheese. he was not shoveling the cheese in his mouth, he was playing.

But here is was really playing. This son of mine is too cute.
Well, I am tired and tomorrow is turkey day. Love and hugs,
You got to pet a penguin? That is too cool!