Sunday, November 08, 2009

out and about

We had a good weekend. the weather was incredible. I can not believe that we are getting early summer temperatures in November- but I am sure enjoying it.

Bug and I went for a walk- that is I walk, Bug rides his moto. BUT!!!!!! he actually coasts on it now. This is a huge milestone, he has the balancing down and he loves it. Look Momma- No feet. Bug started calling me mommy this week. he refuses to call me momma any more. So I guess I am mommy now.

Happiness is riding down the sidewalk.

He was tucking his feet up beside the moto too.

This afternoon after church, we headed to the park. Bug fed the ducks. he was talking to them, telling them where the bread was and to watch out for each other. The geese were eyeing him as if they were going to come up on the landing by him.

And, he showed me today, that he can run up the entire length of the slide. I am not too sure I am excited about this new talent, but I am excited to see him try new things and to gain more Independence.

Yesterday, Mam and Pap came and hung out with us in the afternoon and we headed out for some ice cream- hey it was 70 degrees here- that is a heat wave this time of the year.

Bug had to have "blue moo cookie dough" ice cream and was so proud of his blue tongue

and his blue chin

freaking out Pap by trying to eat all the ice cream in one bite!!!!!!!

yesterday afternoon, we also did some work around the house. See this nice brown thing (coreposis)??? We cut it down.

Happy Bug- out in the sunshine

riding the moto. And yes, he is wearing the same clothes. There is no point in arguing with him over clothes- he wears what he wants. I barely have some say over the length of the sleeves (short versus long sleeves).
We had a good weekend. to start this week. I will be traveling for business this week and Bug will be Mam and Pap. So there will be Momma only pictures for a few days so Bug can see what I am doing. Then next weekend, we are off to the farm to see the boys!!!!
Love and hugs,

1 comment:

  1. What is it about blue food that all kids must have it? If only they would make vegetables blue...
