The feast was great. It actually was the least stressful Thanksgiving I have ever been a part of. seriously, it was like everything just flowed through the day. so thank you God for the peace today.
Bug waited all day for this part- the pies and the CREAMMMMMMMM

His plate after he was done, still had the pie on it, untouched. yes, he ate just the whipped cream. I should just let him have the bowl of cream and be done with it.

Of course, Momma spraying cream directly into his mouth was the ultimate highlight.

While we watched football- Bug decide it was time to put the ice bucket on his head. He ran around for almost an hour as Bucket head, or using it as a feed bag like a horse. he is a riot.

The women folk- wiped out after cooking and cleaning up. We needed a rest. Thankfully, the men folk (Pap and Uncle Dave) kept Bug occupied. Which just means they kept him from jumping on us for about 30 minutes.

Dinner- I switched it up on the family (shhhh- don't tell Pap). I used new stuffing for the turkey- more spices. I actually cooked the turkey with rosemary- the house smells great. I will be switching things over this year a little more. Bug ate Turkey and corn. I figure if I can cook stuffing through the year eventually he will at least try it. So with the leftover stuffing we had, I put it into a cupcake pan to freeze it so we have individual servings for later (less waste).

we had some football playing in the backyard. Bug was running for a touchdown here.

preparing to kick the ball

Uncle Dave was the opposing team

breakfast- the traditionally cinnamon rolls. Bug not like them. he had a car show with Pap instead of eating. he also was not happy about watching the parade- until Santa showed up at the end.
It was a good day. I am think I am going to get some pie now.
Love to you,
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