First- this is last year. Bug refusing to look at Santa, screaming in terror from the moment Santa called his name. Yep- that was a fun experience.

All I can say is WOW- my boy is growing up. Not only did he go to Santa, but he smiled, interacted with Santa, and talked to everyone around him. My precious little man has come along way in 12 months. He is more confident, more sure of himself, he is more willing to talk to other kids and people and he is willing to try things that scared him last year. This is so cool to watch.

Bug got some "Handy Manny" tools. They will go perfectly with the tool belt he got for his birthday (thanks Popi, Mireya, and girls). Now Bug can help me around the house.

Totally cool with Santa. Bug wanted to know if Santa had a flashlight. He also wanted to see the reindeer and help feed them.

Bug waited a long time for his present. His present was in the last bag. Bug spent the time wither standing like this or sitting on the floor talking to another little boy.

Santa arrived. This Santa was cool- each child sat on his lap and opened their present with Santa. Santa had the bantering thing down pat. And, he has a real beard, which at least one little girl had to test.

Bug's face when Santa arrived. This is the joy and excitement that I have wanted to see on his face- this is so precious to me. My boy, enjoying himself.

Talking to one of the other boys. They had a nice chat while they waited for their names to be called

the kids and Santa after all the presents were handed out. They were saying "Merry Christmas". Bug is in the front next to the boy in the brown sweater.
Bug also enjoyed the churros- they were filled with strawberry filling. We have never had these kind before. I think I am going to have to ask Amy where they got them, cause Bug and I loved them and we could eat them again.
bug has one more visit with Santa- on Christmas eve. Hopefully he will be excited again.
One more day of work and then it is "momma days" for nearly 2 weeks. Bug and I are going to relax and enjoy this holiday. We have church on Christmas eve, family Christmas and a bunch of fun play dates that I am busy organizing.
Love and hugs,
WOw, so glad he was able to enjoy Santa! Now if only Dalaney would....