Tuesday, December 01, 2009

it's beginning to look alot like Christmas

Bug received this in the mail today. He loves it and I think that my nativity might survive Christmas.
We hung our first ornament of the year- the Australian Santa from a co worker. Santa goes to the beach. Bug wanted to know why I hung it on my tree instead of his tree. I guess this is not the year to tell him both trees are his????

Just the lights. Thinking back to 3 years ago- Christmas 2006 when I could not bear to decorate the tree and all I had was lights. so happy that Bug is home to enjoy the holiday

And our new tradition- the elf on the shelf. Bug named our elf "Mister Silly". I have to find a good place for him tonight so Bug can search for him in the morning. perhaps searching for Mister Silly will be an encouragement to Bug to get out of bed in the morning? I can only hope.

So that is it. Tomorrow we might start putting ornaments on both trees. The decorating might be finished by the weekend.
Love and hugs,

1 comment:

  1. We have the Fisher Price nativity too. Under our tree (which leaves the pretty porcelin one protected on the piano)
    My son, Ché, loves it, it is never in the whole display mode because he plays with it every day. It's been really great letting him have that as the main part of our nativity.
