Home improvement continues around here. I have been thinking about painting my room since I painted the bathroom. So this is it.

The starting point- cream walls- first painted when I moved into the house in 2004. The walls we originally a pale steel blue (ugly, ugly, ugly), so in the space of week before I moved in, I painted every room in the house except 2, just to get rid of ugly pale steel blue walls.

Bug helped this morning. He was in charge of sponging on the yellow. He did this a little while and then decided that he was happier playing with his toys and watching cartoons. I was very impressed that he played alone for 3 hours. he would come talk to me, but mostly he was content to play and then have me come check on him.
The walls got a base coat of yellow, first rolled on, then sponged off. This was a easy process and I have used it multiple times through the years. This took 3 hours including the time I took to tape the baseboards and frames.
Then, once that coat dried, I started the hard work. the second coat is an orange color sponged on. That coat took 3 hours. 
This is the contrast- on the right side is the yellow, on the left is the orange.

close up of the 2 colors.

Bug's picture of me, painting.

The finished walls. I love it. The yellow brightened up the room, but the orange brings it in and makes it cozy. I love it!!!
Now I have to make a quilt that fits the room now.
In other news, tonight started the process to get Bug back to sleeping in his room. He has been sleeping in my bed for a year now and I am ready to have to my bed back and I think Bug needs the separation.
Tonight it took 60 minutes for him to fall asleep. I sat on the floor next to his bed, not talking to him, but reading a magazine. After he fell asleep, I went to my room, to start putting it back together- moving the furniture, putting electrical outlet covers back on, etc. Bug woke up 5 minutes later. I went back to his room and sat on the floor for another 30 minutes. He finally went back to sleep and has been asleep since 9;30 pm. I am hoping he sleeps through the night.
The same plan will be used every night, although each night, I will move further away from his bed. And the second time I go back into his room, I site close to the door.
He is so used to me be next to him. When I get up in the morning, he wakes up 5 minutes later, so being in his own bed, where I close the door, might allow him to sleep longer.
That is all for tonight. Tomorrow we are taking the trees down.
Love and hugs,
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