Monday, December 14, 2009

A visit to the dentist

Today was our semi-annual teeth cleaning appointment. Of course, made 6 months ago so not coordinated with my vacation days.
In any case, Ms Patty declared our teeth excellent!!!! She did mention that Bug will need a spacer(?) because he has a slight under bite (that means his top teeth are behind his bottom teeth when he smiles or closes his jaw). Interestingly, so did I. In any case, if it is corrected before his adult teeth come in then it might lessen the chances for braces or decrease some time in braces. she told me to start saving my money. one thing that shocked me today as we were at the dentist office, Bug voluntarily talked to Ms. Patty. And not only that, he talked to her about Popi. I have never heard him tell anyone outside our family about Popi voluntarily. Maybe he told Ms. Patty because she has family in Guatemala too, maybe he told her because he knows that Ms. Patty talks to Mam and Pap, maybe he was comfortable, who knows. All I know is that I was shocked and so much so that I missed the rest of what Bug was saying to Ms. Patty.
Bug let Ms. Patty clean some of his teeth, I did the first part. He was quite unsure about the dentist checking his teeth afterward, most because he was worried the pointy tool would hurt. But the dentist only used the mirror to check Bug's teeth. There is hope that next time we go, Bug might actually sit in the dentist chair by himself.

As we left today, Bug told me that he likes Ms. Patty and he quietly added "the dentist too". Too cute- I guess Ms. Patty rates because she lets him be her assistant as she cleans my teeth. He does the water - filling the cup. She also lets him choose the flavor of the teeth cleaning stuff. We choose orange today- which strangely enough is colored blue.
Bug and I are finally feeling better. Bug has had the cough/sinus drainage/crud for 3 weeks and I have had it for 2 weeks. Hopefully we are over it. I think taking 2 weekends to basically do nothing- no running, no outings, really helped us heal our bodies.
The silly news- I was quilting last night and quilted my finger- yep sewed right through my finger- broke the sewing needle on sewing machine in the process. Since I am trying to get T's quilt done to send off to NY, I will be running to the quilt store at lunch tomorrow to pick up a new needle.
Well, that is the news for today. I likely will not be posting until Friday- I enjoyed being off line yesterday- I managed to read 2 books (start to finish) and work on some quilting. I think I might have to take some more "disconnected" days/weekends- but we'll see. I missed knowing what was going on with everyone.
Love and hugs,

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