Wednesday, December 16, 2009

The mind of a toddler- don't try to figure it out

No pictures today, just some thoughts from Bug.

On the way home yesterday, he says from the backseat "Momma, do you know what I want for Christmas?" I told him I had no idea. His response:

" A Tiger, a real one momma, not a toy one".

I think by the time we got home, I had convinced him that a tiger was better off in the zoo.

He was talking to my dad on the phone last, inviting him to the aquarium with us on Friday.

B: "pap, they have sharks there, but you don't have to be afraid. They have big, big glass to keep the sharks safe."

And finally tonight, while having dinner with Jason.

B: "after kindergarten, i am going to high school. Momma, I am going to ride the high school bus. Momma, I will have to walk to high school, it is far, far away." "Momma, I want to go to school, cause then I can be on stage and play the DRUM- the BIG, BIG DRUM".

There have been lots of statements like these from Bug lately, he is surely growing up and becoming quite the little boy.

That's all for tonight.
Love and hugs,

1 comment:

  1. Deb,

    That's a hoot! I'm so glad the sharks are safe from us. :-)

