Friday, May 21, 2010

The night before

Can you see the sickness in hijo?  I sure can, and if you could have heard him the last few days, you would know that he was getting sick. 

Today- sinus drainage, a low grade fever and crying from the pain in his ear.  yes, an ear infection.  So a run over to pick him from Auntie Lulu's house at lunch time, after a call get a doctor's appointment.  One trip to the doctor, a trip to the pharmacy and home 2.5 hours later to finsih up work while hijo rested on the couch.

This was pretty much the culmination of the week- not a good week and finally capped off by a letter from the IRS saying I owed them back taxes.  After looking at my returns and documents, sure enough I made mistake that year and I know owe taxes that have to responded to by 16June.

Not a good week at all.  Praying next week is better and I can figure out to come up with money I don't have right now.  Maybe it is time to sell the comic book collection.

oh well, the "sick" 4 year old is hyped up on too much rest and medication that is making him feel better- so I need to get him to rest now.

Love and hugs,

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