Sunday, September 19, 2010

The faces of a sick Bug- not the way we planned on spending our Sunday

Our Sunday did not go as planned.  We were supposed to be at the farm to celebrate Hermano's 5th birthday.  Instead, I spent 30 minutes cleaning up the car because Bug got sick in the car.  I though (dumb me) that once his stomach was empty that we would could still make it to the party- but half way to Hermano's house, Bug got sick again.  So we turned around and came home.  Once home, this is what I saw of Bug for the next 4 hours- completely asleep. 

he work up at 7 pm and has been fine since then.  He won a toy gun at Spanish Church last night and he decided it was a perfect time to try shooting it.  I think it is time for me to head to bed, hoping that Bug feels better in the morning.  His doctor thinks he could be having a reaction to the medication he is on for his sinus infection.  So if he feels fine in the morning, he can go to school.  If he does not feel well in the morning, then he stays home.

My fingers are crossed for feeling fine based on how he is acting now.

Love and hugs,

1 comment:

  1. Aw, poor guy. You guys sure do seem to get the sickness alot. :o(
