Saturday, October 30, 2010

Farmer's market- 29Oct2010

After work and school on Friday's we head down to the farmer's market.  They just moved to a new location and Bug loves it.  There is a playground right next to the market.  So we start our shopping time with 30 minutes of playtime for Bug and he is happy.

This week, Bug was starving because he did not eat a snack after school, so I bought a wood fire pizza for us to share and Mam bought us hot chocolate.  It was delicious.  We had fun walking through the rest of the market, buying pumpkins for Halloween, apples to eat, awesome bread to have with our soup this week and checking out the new things.  I love our farmers market.  I even volunteered to put out the weekly newsletter.  I will post a more complete blog on our farmer's market this coming  week.

Love and hugs,

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you have an awesome Farmers Market! Our Thursday one (summer only) had 2-3 kinds of fruit, lots of corn and tomatoes, and French pastries. Our Sunday one (that we go to more frequently, it's year-round) has the same French pastries, some leafy veggies and herbs, and pickles. No pizza. :( Oh, well, sometimes we DO have Pete Seeger, so I guess that counts for something.
