The big day has arrived- the start to the holiday season in the US. Halloween 2010. I tried to keep things low keep here for the last week, other than school stuff. We bought pumpkins on Friday and carved them this afternoon. Bug was not happy that I got do the carving and he was not allowed to use the cutter. At one point there was a melt down, but he came around after some dinner.
Pulling out the icky guts of the pumpkin- all drama for Bug's sake. I am fine with it. Usually I would have roasted the seeds, but not this year- too tire and too many things going on this week to add another item to my to do list.
Our pumpkins!!!
Mam came over to hand out candy while we walked around and we had dinner for her. Yummy bean soup and home made bread (bread from the farmer's market). Bug was in a mood at this point, but more so because he was hungry. Once he was told that if he did not eat, there was no candy tonight, he ate his dinner, which is one of his favorites, and he was in a much better mood. Life is always better when Little man is not dealing with a blood sugar drop.
see, happier boy- We set up everything on the porch to make it easy for Mam.
Some silliness from the little man
The usual play group- E2 (4 years old, Alice in Wonderland), Bug M (8 years old, Vampire), Bug (5 years old, Ninja turtle), E1 (5 years old, Queen)
Same goup- just adding Little M (3 years old, Witch).
Little M was one of the last trick or treaters- although he was just posing for this picture so I could show you Bug's enthusiasm at this point of the night.
The haul. Bug trick or treated for 1.5 hours. We had the fun or walking with the playgroup for a while and then with N who will be moving away in a week. We got to listen to an argument escalate into a fight and threats of the police being called (we left that area quickly). Bug lead the pack, which was so overwhelming watch. This was the first year he really understood what was going on with Halloween and embraced it. He was not scared, he thanked every person who gave him candy and he had a great time.
Mam- the best candy hander outer (distributor) in the house. Mam rocks!!!!!
Well, Bug is fast asleep on the couch and I need to head to bed too.
happy Halloween and Day of the dead to all.
Love and hugs,
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