The latter half of our day was busy- a birthday party and the talent show. The birthday party was at "Pump It up" which is a place that has all the inflatable things. Bug spent most of the time sliding.
at one point, his former shadow was with him. Not my choice, but I was not going to make a scene at a birthday party. I think the shadow got the hint though, when he came over to me and started hugging on me and I told him that I did not want him touching me. He pouted but moved away from me. One of the neighbors at the party picked up on the undercurrent and asked about it what was going on. I am not saying a word on it. So we'll see how long it takes before the mother of the former shadow talks to the moms in the neighborhood. Spring should be interesting.

Birthday girl's mom even tried the fun.
This evening, Bug had night 2 of the talent show. This is actually the fourth time he and the other cub scouts have had to perform. The first was rehearsal, then at school the next day, last night and then tonight. Here their den leader is giving them a pep talk.

Bug is making sure he everything all set
One final set of instructions
Then off to the stage
Singing out- they did a great job.
all done, heading off stage to watch the rest of the show. Since the boys sing first, they sit thru another 2 hours before they come back to the stage for the finale.

lining up for the finale
taking a final bow for the great performances
waving in time with the background music
One final congratulations from one of the organizers.
Our final activity for the weekend is church tomorrow for Boy Scout Sunday. After church, we are coming home, putting our jammies back on and just crashing. I have laundry to finish, some reading with Bug, and a football game to watch- but none of that requires me to dressed up. I like jammie days after such a busy weekend.
Love and hugs,
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