we started out holiday baking. bug begged for chocolate chip cookies and I took the cheater way out on this one, and bought the tube of chocolate chip cookie dough. Bug had a blast making cookies.
Checking cookies 
and eating cookies
We were inside most of the day on Saturday due to the snow. I was not ready for snow, but Bug again, was loving it. He really wanted out in the snow, but the temperatures were so cold. Little did I know that the temperatures were going to be even colder on Monday and Tuesday.
Monday: St Nicholas Day
St. Nick comes to our house- it is Herman tradition from my mom's side of the family. Usually St. Nick brings sweets, fruits and nuts. This year St Nick brought a few small presents- a DVD and some Toy Story toys. And the tangerine.
Oh, and for Momma, he brought some chocolate peppermint bark. YUM
Monday night, we headed out to the library for some playtime with little M. The library has a train table, but Bug decided reading to Little M was the best. the temperatures outside at this point- around 20 degrees F with lots of wind.
the last night of soccer. I thought he had 2 more weeks. I actually was considering skipping soccer tonight as Bug had to go to the doctor's today and was diagnosed with yet another sinus infection. I knew he had a sinus infection for 3 weeks, but neither Bug or I get secondary symptoms, so the doctors are reluctant to give us meds. But our infections are moving into our chest and I want to ensure we do not get bronchitis, pneumonia or pleurisy. But Bug wanted to go to soccer and I am glad he went. he did great tonight- played his position- defender or swiper as he calls it. he was the only defender playing his position.
One happy little Bug.
I learned something new today at the doctor's- children of Hispanic, Indian and or African descent are more likely to have allergies. So the doctor wants Bug to have skin test to determine what he is allergic to. I almost told the doctor that he has my allergies, which means he is allergic to almost everything. Both the doctor and I realized what I was going to say and we have laugh about it since Bug shares none of my DNA but so perfectly is my child. I also found out that Bug goes to school with the doctor's youngest son, the boys are actually in the same class. Just a neat thing to find out. I am considering moving Bug completely to this doctor as I think he takes me more seriously then the other doctor. But both doctors are in the same office, so perhaps it is just fine as it is and I can just request that Bug see the male doctor for sick visits and his regular doctor for well child/annual check ups. I have to think on it.
I have the same infection- although I have the green goopy stuff in my nose and Bug does not (I hope that was not too much information). I can not get into see my doctor until Thursday. I am considering having all the vents in my house cleaned to help with our allergies/sinus infections.
Hopefully by Saturday, Bug and I will be feeling better by Saturday when we are hosting some friends over for cookie decorating.
Love and hugs,
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