first a few catching up pictures. eating icicles on the back porch. Bug declared them YUCKY. I am just thankful he realizes that they are not so good to eat. Perhaps he will not ask to eat more icicles this year.

clearing off the snow, so the slide is super fast!!!
Don't freak out, but he finally fell out of the swing. He as been pushing the limits of gravity all summer and Fall. Thankfully, the snow cushioned his fall some what since he went down face first.

sit in the tree and complain the entire time. That was until I told him we were heading home and then he was happy to stay outside and play in the snow.
Then the real snow arrived. 5 inches overnight and Bug got his first snow day from school. I did not get the day off, so Bug watched TV this morning and afternoon. We spent our lunch time outside shoveling and playing.
I made him super happy by building him a snow chair. He loved that and has been begging for one since the snow started on Monday. It was not good packing snow, but it worked.
After work and our evening stuff, Bug got his bath. And then had a blast, literally, with the hair dryer. I think I am going to be in trouble as he gets older. I am not sure I will be able to get the hair dryer away from him.

Then the real drama started. I was cleaning the kitchen and Bug was playing that he was "Iron Man" when he slipped on his pjs (the pants are a little long), and slammed his chin into the floor. I knew it was bad when there was total silence from Bug, the shock, the pain, and then the screaming.
His chin puffed up in seconds and 2 minutes later was turning black. A call to the on call doctor and a call back 20 minutes later and we knew it was a bad bruise. before even calling the doctor, I was icing his chin. He is now sleeping with the ice pack under his chin, in the hopes that I can get the swelling down before he goes to school tomorrow. So do not be surprised at the bruised chin in all holiday pictures over the next week.
Bug is fine, it just scared Bug and was very painful. He asked me to pray tonight that his chin is all better in the morning. I am praying. He is sleeping now.
I am officially on vacation now- no more work for the rest of the year. I return to work on Tuesday 04Jan2010, Bug has one more day of school and then he is off until 03Jan2010. Lots of fun family adventures coming in the next 2 weeks.
Love and hugs,
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