Bug was going nuts yesterday with excitement about Santa coming. So I took him to McDonalds to play for an hour and wear himself out. It worked. He played for almost 2 hours and then took a 45 minute nap (planned and encouraged by momma).
When we arrived home from McDs, we found presents from Little M down the street. Bug was happy to have gifts to open early.
We had a family Christmas Eve service. Last Year bug and his friend (the little boy next to him) fought over the same 6 inches of space to sit in. This year, Bug was none to happy to be up in front again.
Some families were asked to read a verse or a few verses, then we, the church, sang the Christmas carol based on the verse. Bug and I have been practicing all week to say " And this will be a sign to you, you will find the baby wrapped in clothes and lying in a manger." when we arrived at church, I asked bug if he was going to say the verse with me and I got a resounding NO. I had no idea that he also was going to stand on the stage and scowl at the congregation. He loves leading worship in children's church. I will try to get a picture of that so you have a contrast.
After church, we ran home to prepare for Christmas eve at Grandpa Joe's. Santa comes here and brings one present. Bug was quite disappointed that Santa did not bring his bicycle. I had to explain that Santa brings bikes to homes, not parties.
Santa brought him another game- do you see a theme??? In total, Bug received Jenga, Connect 4, Monopoly Junior, Skipbo and Trouble and the Foosball game (see below). I think we have enough games now for lots of variety on family fun nights.
Bug also received a gift from Grandpa Joe- a little car.Jason received a present too
We got home close to 10 pm, so Bug had to get his jammies on, he put together the plate for Santa- cookies and chocolate covered cashews, and the reindeer food. 

We read "The Night before Christmas"- this book was given to me in 1968 and I am thrilled to be reading the same book to Bug now. Laura had the book when her kids were younger.
Then we read the "Polar Express" and we closed out our reading by reading "Bear stays up for Christmas". At the Christmas eve service at church, I heard another book I want to add, so we will have 4 books in the future to read on Christmas eve. We have read the Bible stories through the Sundays in Advent and since we heard and sang most of the passages at church, I choose not to repeat them again at bed time.
Around 10:45 Bug finally fell asleep.
And Santa came
The plan was for Bug to sleep until 8 am at least. But at 7:40 am, Bug woke up and there was no getting him to rest for another 20 minutes. So I woke up Mam and Pap and Uncle Dave, got the cameras ready and forced Bug to wait. When I was younger, Mam had to make the coffee and bake the breakfast rolls before we were allowed to see our presents- it felt like hours, but was likely 30-45 minutes. Bug had to wait about 10 minutes max. I sure it felt like an eternity for him. The picture below, he is actually jumping up and down waiting to see the presents.
He rushed in and immediately went to the presents wrapped under the tree. He completely ignored the bike!!!!
I had to force him to stop and look at all the presents and then he saw it. Next year, I am going to allow him to unwrap in whatever order he wants and if he misses the big present until the end, then so be it.
After all the presents were opened and we were waiting for Laura and family to arrive, I took Bug outside to ride his bike. he was resistant, but ended up enjoying himself.
He helped Uncle Dave unwrap presents.
he was excited to see this box. 2 years ago the girls gave Bug a gift in it while we were in Guatemala. I brought it home and it is now the Santa box. Santa uses it to put presents in as they are extra special.

Bug got more CARS for his collection
he helped Pap unwrap his gifts too.
Bug had a great time opening presents
And Mam got him a gift card to McDs!!!!
Bug was excited to see that Santa ate all the goodies left for him
Bug and Pap played Foosball together- this is a loud game!!! Bug just spins the handles, over and over and over.
There was some eating of Cinnamon rolls
We had lots of time together and some yummy dinner- meat loaf, mashed potatoes, corn and some yummy bread.Bug declared this the best Christmas ever!!! We hope that you had the best Christmas ever too.
Love and hugs,
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