Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Notes from Bug on why his momma is a failure

A mixed day here at our house. 

1.  It is still cold (which feeds into some of bug's issues below)
2.  Christmas is coming to fast
3. still getting better from our sinus infections

And in Bug's mind- his momma is a failure

Point 1: Today was "polar express" day for the kindergartners. A side note: I know that lesson plans are done weeks in advance, especially the lesson plans for the last week of school, but seriously teachers, when the weather reports indicate that it will be zero due to the wind chill, consider NOT having pajama day.  I just loved picking out pjs for Bug that were warm enough to stand at the bus stop in and also cool enough for a heated school.  Certainly taking the weather into account, would have been helpful.   Back to the issue for Bug.  since I had to look for warmer pajamas, because I was not going to allow him to stand for 5 minutes in zero degree temperatures in the morning in thin jammies.  Bug ended up in flannel jammie pants, with long johns underneath and a long sleeve tee shirt (the colors being dark blue).  it totally matched, but it was not a jammie set and boy did I hear about it this evening.  Every other sentence from him was on how everyone else had matching jammies.  he was making sure I knew I failed this momma test and failed it big time. 
But thanks goodness for story books at bed time, because the little girl in the story was not in matching jammies, so I think I gained back some points. Interestingly enough, no one at school commented on Bug's jammies, but he noticed that he did not match.  Dang it all, I should have just sent him to school in the fleece foot jammies from Friday night.

Point 2: one of the girls at school calls bug a baby.  Now this is a little girl that in the 2 times I have been at school has been the class disruptor.  meaning she is always talking, always doing something she should not be doing.  When I asked Bug about it, he indicated that this girl told him not to tell on her that she is calling him names.  I am about ready to talk to the teacher about it.  I am sick of kids telling bug to keep things a secret and then picking on him.  At the same time, I know he needs to be the one to tell the teacher, so that the teacher sees the issue.  per Bug, this little girl is in trouble every single day for not staying in her seat and talking too much.  I know she was moved from one table where she and another girl talked too much and the girls are not allowed to sit together at all during circle time. So I am a failure for not being there to protect him from this girl who calls him names.

Point 3- I refused to  knock on doors today to see if the neighborhood kids wanted to come out and play.  Now remember, the wind chill was zero this morning.  This afternoon, it was maybe 10 with the wind chill. I only took Bug outside to wear him out.  He wanted to play and we ended up playing in the backyard.  The snow is too dry to pack into snowballs or make a snow man, so Bug ended up swinging and sliding on the slide.  we took a walk and that is when he wanted me to to see if big E and little E could come out.  I am not ready for their drama, so I refused.  That earned me the meanest mom in the book title.  The walk earned me further disdain from Bug since I would not let him destroy everything he could along the way. 

Point 4- I would not let Bug pull out the Christmas ornaments for my tree- he wanted to unwrap them and hand them to me.  I wanted to unwrap them and hand them to him since they are wrapped in tissue paper and most of my ornaments are breakable.  Seriously breakable, there are quite a number of glass ornaments.  But hey, we got the Christmas tree decorated and I found the musical houses that made Bug's evening.

I might have gains some more points back by making him a tie blanket this evening- Spiderman themed. But even then, because I would not let him use the scissors, I lost points. he wanted to help, I offered him the option of helping me tie the blanket- he was not having it. He wanted those spare scissors or nothing.

I will be so happy at the end of this week when he is off school and he might be in a good mood all day.  Right now, school and Christmas are just too much for him to handle. He is wearing me out.

I am not taking these failures to heart- they are just part of life.  His choice for jammies would have been different if the weather was different, bullies at school I can not help with, watching other kids in below freezing temps is not happening and hey, I was not allowed to unwrap ornaments when I was younger either.  These are all just life and life is not fair.  Little man will learn that fast enough, especially since his momma is just the meanest momma on the block.

Bug is now sleeping, his momma let him stay up a little later since nothing is really happening in school this week.  I need some sleep since Bug was up multiple times last night asking if it was 6:00 am (the time he is allowed to come into my bed), so I am saying good night.

Love and hugs,


  1. HAng in there Deb. Being a mom is thee hardest job with the least amount of pats on the back. We all go through periods of feeling like a failure. Just know you are awesome and doing the best you can!

  2. Sounds like he's ready for middle school. I'm also incredibly mean because I rejected Tami's demand for multiple cereal bars before dinner AND said no to her idea of ketchup soup for dinner. And of course, not letting her spit water all over her sweatshirt must have been a crime.

    I've seen lots of kids whose parents let them do whatever they want. Believe me, you're doing the right thing!
