Sunday, we were blessed with a visit from our good friends from the frozen tundra (up north- not all the way to Canada, but pretty close). They told me the weather is the same here as it is there. Not good!!!!
After an afternoon inside, we took a walk around the neighborhood. Supposedly to mail Christmas cards (finally done), but really to let the kids burn off some energy.
Bug and Princess had a good time together. Bug is finally able to play at her level ( she is 2 years older) and so they were best buddies for the day.
Princessita (little princess) was more content to be carried. She definitely wanted nothing to do with me. 

This morning, princessita discovered the Tickle Me Elmo that Bug received as a present a few years ago. If you remember, Bug was scared to death of it when it was working. Princessita- she loved it!! And Bug was very happy to press the buttons to make it work. So all is well in the end, the toy got played with, Bug was not terrified of it, and princessita was a happy little girl.

Bug and I are off to a Christmas Party this evening, lots of fun pictures tomorrow. We were supposed to head to the zoo tomorrow, but we are supposed to have snow, rain and freezing rain tomorrow, so we will be baking or going swimming instead. Swimming is only if the roads are not icy.
Love and and hugs,
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