His moto forces him to balance, and he is just starting the coasting technique- he almost has it- feet in the air, moto perfectly balanced. It does not help that sidewalks in our neighborhood are 50 years old and very uneven- but his balancing skills are coming along.

This is us today- I am logged into work via my home computer. Bug visited the doctor today- nothing serious yet, but we are watching him close for any signs his illness becoming more serious. This morning, other than a fever over 100, you would have never known Bug was sick. By the doctor visit, it was quite apparent that he was sick as behavior just went down hill. If I had known that the doctor office was going put a mask on him, I would have warned him. he hated the mask.
Somehow this does not make sense to me: fever=mask, coughing, almost hacking up a lung= no mask. Somehow this seems wrong.

so since the doctor office, Bug wants me right next to him - so I have been on the couch right next to Bug, doing my emails and working. Bug is happy, I am happy and I think that work is happy.
Love to you,
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