Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Updated: Sick has descended on this house - GO AWAY GERMS

We are experiencing cold season here at our house. It started with a simple loss of voice in Mariposa, it has become coughing, achy, and stuffy heads in for Mariposa and Bug. It is not fun to wake up in the middle of night listening to coughing from Mariposa bedroom and knowing that she is not getting good sleep, it is not fun listening to Bug cough and try to be comfortable at night.

Today the colds took on a darker overtone- Bug threw up after breakfast and brushing his teeth- you all know exactly where my mind- we have been hit by H1N1 (swine flu).

A panicked called to the doctor office to have the on call doctor call me back- it was just 7 am. A very sleepy doctor calling back less than 5 minutes later and a list of symptoms that neither Mariposa or Bug have and the calmness of knowing my kids only have the very bad cold that is going around here. WHEW!!! But, now I have a complete list of what to watch for in both kids.

But for the moments, I was completely worried that my kids had H1N1- what the heck was I going to do, who to call, etc. Mariposa's school has had 7 cases so far this school year. Bug luckily is just with my sister, but there are 2 teens who can bring home H1N1.

So now I am just praying for bodies to heal, for colds and coughs to go away, for my kids to be healthy again- and for the H1N1 vaccine to come to Bug's doctor so he can be vaccinated before he is exposed. And I am praying for my health as I have a business trip in 2 weeks.

Pictures tomorrow of Bug riding his moto around the neighborhood.

Love and hugs,

UPDATED: Bug woke up at 5 am with a temperature over 100 degrees. he now has diarrhea too, so we are going to the doctor this morning. Fingers crossed for it just to be a sinus infection with a cold on top of it.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Deb, sorry you guys are the latest victims of illnesses. I hope the doctor appt went well and everyone is resting now.
