More time together today. I think these snow days are wearing on hijo and I. He seems to think that when I am working, but not the phone, he should be quiet and when I am on the phone, that is the time to come poke me, hit me, say MOMMA, MOMMA, MOMMA and do a few other things. This does not make for a happy momma and it makes for a very stressful day for us both. He is going back to my sister's tomorrow (YEAHHHHHH) and I think we will both be happy. Hijo says he misses the dogs (as he told me yesterday).
Hijo had the camera most of the day. I have about 100 pictures of TV and of me. Here are hijo's view of the day.

Zee and Moose A Moose- the host of his favorite TV sation. For Popi and the grils, Zee and Moose are like Dokie on TV in Guatemala.

Momma working. I was running reports and collating data into a new spreadsheet, so I was pretty focused.

Hijo and Momma. I was showing him how to use the telephoto function and how to hold the camera- this was break time for us both.

Hijo showing tha he knows how the telephone works. This is my new hair cut- I seriously hate it. And I hate it even more now that I see how it really looks on the sides.
We shoveled the last of snow at lunch today- no pictures. I just wanted it done. I am sick of snow- have I said that before?
This evening we headed out back make sure that gutters were not too bad.due to the snow and melting ice. With 18 inches of snow over the last few days, I was worried.

Hijo likes these icicles

Hijo decided that he has not shoveled enough (maybe I could hire him out), so he wanted to shovel the backyard!!!!!.

He was tripping over the snow- it was so deep.

I set the ruler in the snow and it read 13 inches. BUT, when I slammed it into the snow, it read 17 inches since it hit the patio base.

Hijo next to the ruler, as you can see there is about a 3 inch base they are on becuase hijo is not 46 inches tall, he is 41.75. His boots probably give him .5-1.0 inch more in height, so definitely there is snow under the ruler.
Well, that is about it for tonight.
love and hugs and hasta pasta from us,
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