Friday, February 05, 2010

pinecone bird feeders

hijo stayed home today- we had freezing rain this morning and by evening rush hour, the snow was supposed to have started.  So rather than risk the slick roads this morning and then stress about the traffic in the evening as I went over to get hijo- he stayed home.  He did great until just before lunch.  By that time he was ready to be done with me working.  Which was fine with me after the hours I put in the last few weeks, I was ready for a short day.  So we had lunch, I worked another hour and then I took the rest of the day off to be with hijo.

We have been collecting pinecone on our recent walks and today hijo was so excited to make bird feeders. 
here are the steps:

1. collect pine cones
2. tie string/ribbon on the pine cones
3. spread peanut butter on the pine cone (momma task)
4. coat the pine cone in bird seed (hijo's task)
5. hang the feeders outside

We used bird seed that is supposed to be for cardinals and song birds.  We have 2 trees filled with crows behind our house, I have a feeling they will be ones eating the seeds along with the squirrels in the area.

We are anxious to see if we get cardinals and song birds (blue jays, etc) coming for a snack- it would make hijo's day tomorrow if he could see the birds eating the seeds.  We made 8 pine cones and hung up 4 today.  We are expecting betwen 6-12 inches of snow tonight and tomorrow morning.  So the seeds will be needed by the birds.

More pictures of snow fun tomorrow.

Love and hugs,

1 comment:

  1. That brings back such memories of when I was a little girl. I think I'm going to have to do that with Nicholas. Thanks for the great idea!
