Hijo was home again today (he was home yesterday due to illness). Today, not only was he still feeling bad, but we had a snow storm. By the time we woke up this morning, there was 3 inches of snow on the ground- I know it sounds like a little, but with the hills around here and the drivers, this much snow is bad. Nearly every school was also off today. So hijo stayed home again today. My parents offered to have him spend the night with them last night, so that I could work in peace today and if hijo had been well, I would have taken them up on the offer. As he was still feeling sick last night, I knew he needed to spend the night at home with his momma close by. He slept on the couch last night until I went to bed and he seemed to rest much easier knowing that I was near.
Hijo has had a cough and sinus drainage for 2 months now. His doctor will not prescribe any medicines unless he has one of the following symptoms - fever, diarrhea, or vomiting in addition to the coughing and sinus drainage. He had none of these symptoms until yesterday. His doctor finally prescribed some medicine for him and he is finally sounding better as of this evening. I also have a prescription/referral to have him tested for allergies. I am fairly certain I know exactly what is triggering his allergies- they go by the names Ginger and Izzy - they run around on 4 legs and bark. So looking to the future, I can see that the allergy triggers will be a non issue in 7 more months. So the dilema for me is whether to have him tested and potentially have to give him allergy shots just for 7 months or stick it out and know that in 7 months he will not be around dogs all day long. And it will be shots as he is on adult strength allergy medication now and it barely makes a difference. NOTE TO Family- this is not a reason to keep him from the dogs- it is just a trigger to his allergies and medicine might be the ticket since hijo begs for a dog all the time. I am just writing things down- it helps me organize and make decisions.
Hijo had breakfast on the couch- enjoying some TV. He rested on the couch all morning. It was lunch before he started to get a little more active and it was the end of my work day before he decided to get dressed.
This is what Hijo sees of me when he stays home with me on a work day- me working and talking on the phone. He had to listen to 4 conference calls today, and he did really well. It was the final call before he lost his patience and decided to interrupt me on a regular basis- but that was toward the end of my day. He did really well today compared to yesterday. Yesterday he was not having any part of me working and was quite disruptive- probably due to him being really sick yesterday and just needing his momma. Today he just wanted to rest, so hanging out on the couch and knowing that Momma was near was good enough for him.
he did some coloring during one meeting. That was the extend of his activity. No playing with cars, no jumping n the couch to see if I would pay attention. Just hanging out.
After work, I had to shovel the driveway. Thankfully some teenagers came by in the morning and offered to shovel the driveway for $20.00. I told them I would give them $10.00 since I could do the driveway in less than an hour by myself. They took my counter offer. They finished in 20 minutes.They shovelled about 4 inches off and by the time I got out at 5 pm, there was another 2 inches on the driveway for me to shovel. Not so bad. it took me 20 minutes to shovel. While I was shovelling, hijo played in the snow. yes, even though he was sick, he went out. He was worn out by the time we went back in, but he enjoyed himself.
He tried blowing bubbles- my sister told me we could create ice bubles. NOT!!!!! Then I remembered an article from a magazine that talked about using food coloring on snow to paint with or draw. So I got the yellow and blue food coloring and sprayed it on the snow and hijo played making green. I think more got on him and his clothes, but it kept him busy while I shovelled.
Then I had to measure him against the snow drifts/piles on the edges of the driveway. The snow is up to his waist (about 20 inches). I think he could be lost in the snow if I was not out there with him.

He decided that falling in the snow was more fun- not qquite understanding why I was not happy that he fell into the garden- right on top of the lavendar plants. You would think that the plants sticking out of the snow would be a giveaway to him, but apparently, he is oblivious to these clues. We are expecting more snow tonight, so I am not sure if he will be here tomorrow or not. My parents have offtered to take him tomorrow. Depending on the snow tonight and the road conditions in the morning, he might be home again. I am not sure I can keep him occupied tomorrow if he stays home as he is defintely feeling better as of this evening.
After being outside for 30 minutes, we came in and addressed valetines. Hijo wrote his name on each one. I addressed the envelopes and they are waiting for the mailman tomorrow. His name is even recognizable- I am in awe of how fast he has learned his letters in terms of writing. I know my sister has done alot of work with him, but it is like a lightbulb has gone in his head, he finally gets it. He has a few letters that cause him problems, but I am not concerned about that- they will come in time.
His measurements at the doctor's yesterday:
height:41.75 inches- this is .75 inches more than he was on his birthday- so definitely he is growing
weight: 40.5 pounds. This was with clothes on uncluding his fleece jacket. So he still under 40 pounds but getting closer.
He is definitely growing up.
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