I am sure we could come up with some team saying for this picture- perhaps that could be our next teambuilding exercise?
On the home front- hijo and I are happy to be back together again. We had a parents meeting for incoming kindergarteners tonight. I had thought that hijo would stay with my parents during the meeting, but I realized by lunch that if i picked him and my parents up for dinner, there would be no way he would let me leave him again. I was right, and I was glad to see that other parents brought their kids along. Hijo took some cars and he was quite happy playing with them while I listened to the information. I have a list of 50 activities to work on with him this Spring and Summer to prepare him for kindergarten. I also need to call tomorrow to schedule the pre kindergarten assessment. The assessment is 45-60 minutes long. I stay in one room and hijo is in another room. I am not sure how that is going to go over, but hijo will not be the first kindergartner who will not let his parent out of his sight during the testing.
After the meeting, as we were driving home, I asked hijo what was the best part of my business trip and what the worst, here are his responses.
best: Playing with Mam
worst: momma being away
He then asked the same questions back to me:
best: seeing Mendy, Marg, Yayra and Janette at the home office.
worst: being away from hijo
Love and hugs and hasta pasta,
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